AZFFC, Inc. Registration
Exhibitor Registration Fee: $225.00. from Wednesday’s Summit (16th ) through Friday’s
Closing session (18th) (Early Bird Rate is $150.00) which includes admittance of one person to staff your exhibit,
one 6-foot skirted table, one chair, signage and conference materials.
There is a Resource Table for $75.00 with up to 500 pieces of material per day.
WEDNESDAY’S FIVE TRACK SUMMITT: On the 16th of February a full day summit of five tracks
focus on the following: Native Americans, Latinos, Best Practices,
Program Development/Grant Writing and Teen Interventions.
The cost for this Summit is not included in full conference fees.
Registration Form
Hosted by Arizona Fathers & Families Coalition, Inc.
Phoenix Airport Marriott, Phoenix, AZ
February 16-18 2005
Please register me for the 6thAnnual Southwestern Fatherhood & Families Conference